OS – Understanding Seo

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Healing the World Wide Web… One Page at a Time

Get a free analysis of your website.

We offer a Free quick analysis of your website with a short free consultation by phone. It will help immensely if you first fill out a brief questionnaire. (click here) 

During the free consultation we will explain how we can help you best achieve your website goals.

How to do Seo

First it very important to think about what you want from your website.  We all have to be very clear about where you’re going so we can get you there best.  By reading the following questions you should get a good understanding of what you expect of your website and what you hope your website will do for you.

Ask yourself: who do you want to visit your site?  Are you after customers, students or sympathizers? Who is your target and what do you want them to “get” from your website?

What do you want them to do when they get to your website?  Call you?  Buy something?  Or maybe you just want them to read lots of pages?

Does your target viewer live locally?  Or are you pursuing an international audience?  What language(s) do they speak?

How many fish can you handle?  How many customers can you deal with?  How big are you?  How big do you want to get?

Whatever you are after it is crucial to be clear about the above questions and your answers.  You might as well invest our resources helping you get the attention of your target readers; people who can’t use your services won’t help you even if they do come.  If your viewer lives nearby then why try to compete for international viewers?  If your purpose is sales in the international community then you need to optimize your website differently then why promote your physical location?