Website & Keyword Analysis

Analysis of your website and your market

When we understand your website needs and your company goals, we can then conduct an in-depth analysis of your website and your website’s relationship to the internet’s environment. During this stage we will do a thorough keyword analysis so that we can both understand which key terms are most searched for, which are most sought after and how many searches are being done and from where. This big chunk of information will help us best bring about your website success.

What is your competition doing?

You will also want to understand your competition.  How much competition is there?  Heavy competition for your single “best” keyword can make it not worth competing for. Getting on top for a half dozen secondary keywords may bring you more customers then spending all of your efforts trying to be on top for the best word only.

Analysis of your competition, what it is doing and how they are doing it is often left for the final optimization process; yet the results of a competitors analysis usually reveals keywords which will be used throughout the whole optimization process.

Keyword and Market analysis by BnBSeo

Our associate Seo Agency has proven itself superior at analyzing the internet and your competition, for keyword data. They then compile a report which details keywords best suited for your company and website. At the cost of $185, this report and the keyword phrases within it can be used from your current website to directory listings to social media. Check them out.